Nursery - Little Parrots 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Little Parrots 


Our Nursery, in partnership with FISH, is open 50 weeks of the year and offers wrap around care from 7:30am – 6 pm for 3 year olds. We are also able to offer a small number of places to children in the term before they are 3 – these places are available for 39 weeks a year. Our EYFS provision is staffed by a team of highly experienced practitioners who strive to provide the best possible care and learning for our children. A distinctive feature of our Nursery provision is that it is led and staffed by a qualified teacher who is supported by a team of qualified nursery and early years practitioners. This high quality teacher-led provision ensures that children make the very best possible start in their journey to be life-long learners.
If you would like to visit or find out more please contact 01404 515409 to book a tour.



Little Parrots

    Emma Turner.jpg    
    Mrs Turner - Teacher    
Teri Payne.jpg Dee.jpeg M.Mitchell.jpg Mozzie.jpg  
Teri Payne - HLTA Dee Robertson - TA   Mel Mitchell - TA Mozzie Dare (Lunchtimes)  

Useful information

Our Nursery provision offers 15/30 free hours for all Nursery children with the option to purchase additional sessions. A flexible approach to sessions enables parents to mix providers, enabling children to stay for full or half days or access full time day care provision. Our Nursery is open from 8:30am – 3pm each day with the option to purchase additional care both before and after school hours

Session Times:

Early Start: 8.30am – 9am (0.5 of an hour) – £2.10

Morning: 9.00am – 12.00pm (3 hours) – £12.60

Afternoon: 12.00 – 3.00pm (3 hours) – £12.60

Whole Day: 8.30am – 3.00pm – £27.30

Children staying for the afternoon (12.00 – 3.00) will require a packed lunch, or alternatively you may purchase a school lunch for £2.00 per day.


Government funding is only available for a maximum of 570 hours per academic year. Some children may be entitled to up to 1140 hours of government funding per academic year. However, we are able to sell additional sessions so that your child could be in the nursery for as long as you wish; the cost of additional sessions is as above.

Parents may use their 15/30 hours of government entitlement from the term after their child’s 3rd birthday, and/or purchase nursery hours from the term in which the child has their 3rd birthday.

Some children may be entitled to 2 year old funding of 15 hours per week up to a maximum of 570 hours per academic year. If you think you might be eligible please follow the link Childcare Choices.

Useful Links

Childcare Choices

Childcare choices Funding info

15 hours free childcare

Files to Download

Nursery - Little Parrots: News items

Admin Alerts 24 - 25, by Mrs Culshaw

Newsletters 2024-25, by Mrs Culshaw

Christmas at St Martin's, by Mrs Culshaw

Nursery - Little Parrots: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Contact Us

St Martin's C of E Primary and Nursery Younghayes Road, Cranbrook, Devon EX5 7DT
Discover us on a map