Cultural Capital
Ofsted defines Cultural Capital as: “the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens” (p31 Ofsted EY Inspection Handbook), and, it continues, that will prepare them for their future success.
At St Martin’s children’s developing ‘Cultural Capital’ is woven through everyday school experiences: teaching and learning; Collective Worship; roles and responsibilities and playing and exploring in addition to enrichment activities designed to ensure all children leave St Martin’s ready for the next stage of their education and their lives.
Through our Cultural Capital offer, we hope to develop our children's aspirations for themselves, others and God's World.
In addition to the opportunities available within the taught curriculum, cultural capital is enhanced through extra curriculuar activities which promote the followng develomental areas.
Personal Development
- Learning about rules
- Learning about money
- Fundraising for our courageous advocacy projects
- The Year 6 running and organise stalls for the Summer Fayre
- Our Learning flowers and growth mindset conversations which underpin our learning behaviour
- Mentoring
- Parent workshops
- Celebration Assemblies
- Star Learner celebration event with parents
Social Development
- Pupil voice – learning ambassadors; eco champions; e-safety ambassadors; buddies – contribute to the school Ethos Group
- Courageous advocacy projects encouraging children to develop an awareness of others
- Nurture groups
- Year 6 Buddies
- Access to mentoring
- Family Groups
- Extra curricular activities
- Parent Teas – where learning is shared by children
Physical Development
- Healthy eating policies
- Relational approach to behaviour management
- SCARF programme for RHSE
- Premier sports clubs
- Forest School
- Premier Showdown - children performing at the Barnfield Theatre
- Activity based residentials
- Family Advocate information guides for parents
- Promotion of walking or cycling to school
Spiritual and Moral Development
- 'Being the best we can be for ourselves and others in God's world'
- ‘Ows’ and ‘wows’ of the world
- Collective worship
- Hymn Practices – singing
- Learning Ambassador
- Visits to religious buildings and centres
- Understanding National events – Black History Month; Children in Need
Cultural Development
- Access to other languages
- Learning to play a musical instrument
- High quality IT provision with computing curriculum
- Rich library with diverse selection of books
- Visits to museums, art centres, concerts, residentials
- Visits from emergency services
Residential Experiences
We believe strongly in offering children the chance to develop their character through experiencing time away from home along with their peers. We have built up a carefully selected range of residential experiences across Key Stage 2, balancing financial cost with regular enjoyment and personal growth (see below for more details)