Art on the fence
We were recently visited by Robin Murch who came to our school and showed the children in Year 5 and 6 his artwork as part of Christian Aid week.
Robin’s art was displayed on the school fence for the children and the wider Cranbrook community to enjoy. The children enjoyed exploring the themes of Robin’s artwork, which depicted current news events, including the war in Ukraine and Syrian Refugees.
Many of the children were able to make links with their class collective worship ‘Picture News’ topics, along with the class text ‘Boy at the Back of the Class’ which is read in Year 5. It explores the struggles of life and friendships formed when a Syrian refugee starts at a London primary school.
Here’s what some of our children had to say:
Jack “I liked the details in his art and how each picture told a story. I really like the one with the plane. It was interesting because it had lots of refugees trying to escape Afghanistan. I had seen that on the news.”
Frankie “I liked the way he made art for things happening in the world. He painted and drew things that you don’t normally see, so it made me think.”
Esme “Each picture had a different story and I really liked that. There was one of a mum and son in Africa. He was really skinny because he didn’t have enough food. It made me think about other people’s lives.”
Isaac “When I saw his artwork I really liked it because you could just stop, wait for a minute and realise what is happening in the world. The art work didn’t show nice things, but it made me think about those people and what I could do to help them.”