Governors Overview

Our Governing Board plays a key role in developing the strategic direction of the school and we are fortunate to have a committed, diverse and caring team of people.

Governors have a vital role in the school, and work together to achieve the following:

  • ensuring the school has a clear vision and strategic plan
  • holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and the performance management of the staff and
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent 

Roles and Declarations of Interest of the Governing Board

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Impact of Governance at St. Martin’s

The Governing Board produces an annual Impact Statement to provide information on their work from the previous year. The Impact Statements from the last two years are available to read via the links below.

Structure of Governance at St. Martin’s

The Governing Board works to a Lead Governor governance structure with no separate Resources or Teaching & Learning Committees. The Board meets four times each term with an additional meeting in the summer term to review that year's school improvement plan. The Lead Governors report directly to the Full Governing Board and have delegated responsibility for defined areas of work. Governors follow the  Board's Annual Cycle of Work and provide termly written reports. The Board currently has Lead Governors for the following areas (click on each to view the Terms of Reference):

Voting Rights for Associate Members

There is currently one Associate Member who is available to sit on the 1st and 2nd Committees if needed and has voting rights for any formal process he is involved with. 


The Leadership and Teachers’ Pay Committee meets twice a year. The Admissions Committee meets as required. The Management Partnership Joint Committee meets twice a term. Committee Terms of Reference can be viewed below.

Leadership & Teachers' Pay


There are two further committees which only meet if there is a need for them to do so. These committees are convened to consider any formal proceedings, such a a staff disciplinary issue or the permanent exclusion of a pupil.

Governors from St. Martin’s have also liaised with governors from Otter Valley Federation and Withycombe Raleigh Primary School to share practice, collaborate on different projects and exchange ideas and resources.

Additional work carried out by Governors

Governors play a key role in monitoring the progress of the School Improvement Plan, which involves discussions and meetings with staff, visiting the school, identifying actions and questions and contributing to the School Improvement Review at the end of each year.  More information on this can be found on the Governor School Improvement Monitoring page. The Governing Board also supports the Headteacher with preparing for OfSTED and SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican & Methodist Schools) inspections.

Should you have any queries regarding the work of the Governing Board, please contact the Clerk to Governors at




Contact Us

St Martin's C of E Primary and Nursery Younghayes Road, Cranbrook, Devon EX5 7DT
Discover us on a map